ECE/SIOC 228 Machine Learning for Physical Applications
Yuanyuan Shi,
Office hours: Wednesday 6:30 - 7:30 pm
Teaching Assistants
Yuexin Bian
Tz-Ying Wu
Course Time and Location
Monday/Wednesday, 5-6:20 pm, Pepper Canyon Hall 109
Part 1: Machine Learning Fundamentals
Week 1: Course Logistics; supervised learning setup; linear models for regression
Week 2: Linear models for classification; Feature selection: ridge regression, Lasso; Bias and Variance Tradeoffs
Week 3: Neural network basics; computational graph and backpropagation; optimization and regularization
Week 4: Temporal data modeling: RNN & LSTM/GRU; Attention & Transformers
Week 5: Spatial data modeling: CNN // Graph data modeling: graph neural networks
Week 6: Graph neural networks; summary of the first part of the course;
Part 2: Incorporate Physics/Prior Knowledge into Learning
Week 7: Review of ODE and PDE; Physics-informed machine learning; Neural operators
Week 8: Neural ODEs; OptNet; Equivariant Neural Networks;
Week 9: Applications to Control - model-based RL and model predictive control
Week 10: Final project presentation (poster session or optional in-class presentation, TBD)